Saturday, December 5, 2009

i LOVE santa!

Well, we made the "visit" today- to see Santa- and Liam was terrific with it all until it was actually time to sit on the Big Guy's lap. The best I could do was convince him to sit on the floor beside Santa-with Ryan's help of course. I figured this way- could get a shot of the Jolly Elf behind Liam and we could say "mission accomplished". What I NEVER expected is that when Liam bowed his head shyly, and sat on the floor in front on him- that Santa would get right down next to him and give him a BIG HUG! Liam was shocked-Ryan was too-the crowd all said "awwwwwww" and I got a little choked up.

Yes boys. there is a Santa.

We met him today.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I love my robot!

OK- I don't know how this all started- but somehow you have come to believe that water towers are robots. and you LOVE them. When we go to school, you see your friend "Robby" and you say with absolute adoration- "there's my robot! I love him. I really love him"

my cake boss-

just one more week- and you are done with 4 months of cake classes! Your work is amazing kiddo! And- its been great getting away with you- just the two of us- every Wednesday nite- love u~

digi used: "Life is Art" by Pixelworks

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Its coming.....!

i LOVE this time of year- once we decorate for Halloween- its non stop celebrations- the boys birthdays- Halloween- Thanksgiving- Christmas..its all good!
digi used: "Halloween magic" by SherrieJD at Scrapartist

Saturday, October 10, 2009

almost 2 years ago....

you two have been buddies from day one- liam couldnt ask for a better big brother- and ryan couldnt ask for a bigger fan...
digi kit cre@bisontine the celyas world of love after five designs

last halloween...

last halloween- liam was all about pumpkins. cute little pumpkins. this year- its BATMAN!! in just one year he gone from a toddler to a little guy. I cant wait for this years pix!

digi kit: All Hallows Night Leora Sanford, Little Dreamer

11. How did this happen?

Honestly- 11?
its been 11 years of absolute joy kiddo- i love you and my life with you.
but maybe you could slow down this whole growing up thing- ok?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

is it over yet?

i know that the tears will stop- and that soon you will be happy to see your little friends at school- but for now- you are breaking my heart when you start to tear up on the drive to school and ask me- "Is it over yet?"
um- just 18 or so more years kiddo...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ready or not!

digi used cre@bisontine colorfall kit thalaris early for autumn natalie design clipping mask

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just add water...

enjoying these last days of summer
ryan can never resist a sprinkler!
digi used: lily designs autumn by the bay sussie m clipping mask house of 3 clipping mask

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

ice cream maaaaaaan!

this was the first summer you understood that the chiming music coming from the blue and white man meant ICE CREAM!
Now-, you hear the first note and you just run! I am actually a little ashamed that I let you run so far ahead to take this shot- I learned that objects in your zoom lens are actually a lot further than they appear!

Monday, July 20, 2009

lido beach

A day at the beach. Ryan was a fish- and Liam a sand crab. Ryan battled the waves and Liam collected everything that even looked like a shell. Laugh. Swim. Play. Smile. Summer.

first wheels

Sunday, May 31, 2009

red white and blue

memorial day- a parade means so much more than a trip to the mall.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A moment captured

you guys. together. more often smiles than not.

digi used ali edwards wordart: songbird elements/papers