Tuesday, January 26, 2010

digi used Lily "Vintage White" After 5 Designs http://www.afterfivedesigns.com/shoppe/home.php

Thursday, January 14, 2010

No rewind

digi used: LaurieAnnHGD Fresh Laundry and Sea Breeze kits- http://www.scrapartist.com/shoppe/

Down The Rabbit Hole!

I blinked and he became a big guy! I swear- the days can be long- but the years go by way too fast! I had fun making this one with SherrieJDs Curious Adventures. font from internet- How curious

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The dark side of Christmas....

here's a peek at the sad truth - taking the decorations down- the dark side of Christmas-

How can it be that all that wonderfully magic stuff that makes our home so special on December 1- looks so SO sad on January 1? Even the pizza boy laughed when he peeked inside after delivering our meal (Cooking was just NOT on the radar this night!)